Saint Jean Eudes, Priest


While he spent the majority of his life in Caen, saint Jean Eudes (1601-1680) lived for some years in Paris, where he was the disciple of Bérulle and Condren. Founder of an institute for the relief of prostitutes and a congregation destined for the formation of priests in seminaries, he created the seminaries of Caen, Coutances, Lisieux, and Rouen.

In his mémoires, Jean-Jacques Olier describes him in these terms : “Father Eudes, that great preacher, the marvel of our century.” He worked to spread the cult of the Heart of Jesus and Mary, for the purpose of establishing “the life and the kingdom of jesus in christian souls.” He attached the greatest importance to the apostolicaction of priests who should be fervent and learned, preaching the Gospel with their lives.