The blessed martyrs of the Society who died in Paris


On september 2, 1792, a great number of martyrs – bishops, priests, seminarians, and laity – fell in different parts of Paris, victims of their fidelity to the Church.

Among those who were massacred at the convent of the Carmes were eight priests of the society of saint sulpice : Bernard de Cucsac, of the diocese of Toulouse ; Jacques-Gabriel Gallais, of the diocese of Angers ; Nicolas Psalmon, of the diocese of Rouen ; Etienne Hourier, of the diocese of Amiens ; and Claude Rousseau, of the diocese of Paris. In addition, Pierre Gauguin, of the diocese of Tours ; Michel Guérin, of the diocese of La Rochelle ; and Henri Luzeau de La Mulonnière, had been brought from the seminary at Issy to the rue de Vaugirard. From the seminary at Issy as well, two deacons– Antione Adéodat de Ravinel, of the diocese of Nancy : and Augustin de Lézardière, of the diocese of Luçon – accompanied their teachers and directors to death, following the example of Saint Laurence.

The Province of Canada also remembers on this day André Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, a priest born in Canada and a canon of the diocese of Sens, who also gave his life for the Church in the same massacre at the Carmes.