Visit of the Superior General of the Priests of Saint Sulpice, Fr. Shayne Craig, to Benin from 27 October to 4 November 2023

For his first visit to Africa, the Superior General of the Priests of Saint Sulpice, Fr. Shayne Craig, chose Benin. He spent a week there to share the daily life of a dozen Sulpicians through their mission places. On the occasion, Fr. Shayne was able to visit several interdiocesan seminaries namely: the two of theology (St Gall of Ouidah and Bishop Louis Parisot of Tchanvédji), that of philosophy (St Paul of Djimè), the propedeutic (St Joseph of Missérété) and one of the two minor seminaries (that of Adjatokpa). He therefore visited five (05) interdiocesan seminaries of the seven (07) that Benin has.

He also visited the propedeutic seminaries and the philosophate, the Sulpician parish "Jesus-Eucharist" and the house of the clergy, all being institutions of the Archdiocese of Cotonou. During his stay, he met several ecclesiastical personalities including the Apostolic Nuncio to Benin and Togo, Mark Gérard Miles, the Archbishop of Cotonou (Roger HOUNGBEDJI), the Bishop of Porto-Novo (Aristide GONSALLO) and the Bishop of Abomey (Bishop Cyrille Eugène HOUNDEKON). It was for him a week of intense activities in the heart of a humid climate, but above all a week of discovery and wonder.

In his address to the Sulpicians, he explains the purpose of his journey by the fact that he is concerned with the well-being of each and every Sulpician confrere. His recent visit to Japan and Colombia confirms that we are experiencing significant changes in the Church that are also impacting our Society. By comparing the experience of other countries to that of Benin, he notes that the Sulpicians in Benin are not responsible for a seminary. But far from being seen as an evil, this situation, according to him, constitutes an opportunity to devote oneself more to the spiritual, formative work which is moreover the charism proper to Saint Sulpice.
Filled with joy, he expressed his deep congratulations for the work being done in Benin. He did not fail to urge courage and to call for generosity for possible positions of responsibility outside Benin.



Translator : Fr. Shayne CRAIG


