Introduction à la vie et aux vertus chrétiennes

Professor Mariel MAZZOCCO, who is a specialist in the mystical literature of the seventeenth century, has just published another book of writings of Sulpician founder, Father Jean-Jacques OLIER.

Entitled Introduction à la vie et aux vertus chrétiennes (2016), the work contains a critical edition of this justly famous work of Father Olier, along with several manuscripts (small spiritual tracts on various themes) that have never before been published. Professor Mazzocco is a prolific researcher and author of several books in the same series in which this latest publication appears, “Mystica” (vol. 6), published by Honoré Champion in Paris.

Professor Mazzocco holds a doctorate in religious sciences and currently is a research specialist at l’Institut romand de systématique et d’éthique (IRSE) at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). This is her fifth book of critical editions of the works of Father Olier, who continues to fascinate her as a concrete example of seventeenth-century mystical and spiritual experience.

The Society of the Priests of Saint Sulpice warmly congratulate Professor Mazzocco on this latest achievement, and we thank her for her ongoing interest in the works of Father Olier.

introduction a la vie et aux vertus chretiennes